Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Dickster's myths

After seeing a variety of media reports on Dick Cheney’s speech to AIPAC yesterday, I made the mistake of actually reading through the whole transcript. The Vice President was in rare form, even rolling out a new speech built around what Cheney described as four “myths.”

1. “Iraq has nothing to do with the global war on terror.”

2. “[O]ne can support the troops without giving them the tools and reinforcements needed to carry out their mission.”

3. “[G]etting out of Iraq before the job is done will actually strengthen America’s hand in the fight against terrorists.”

4. “[W]e can abandon the effort in Iraq without serious consequences to the broader Middle East.”

Now, I started writing a detailed response to each of these “myths,” explaining why Cheney clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but then I realized, that’s probably pointless. Cheney is too mendacious to be taken seriously. His demagoguery warrants mockery and derision — substantive responses to such transparent nonsense is a bit too similar to wrestling with a pig.

Yup, is all about staying the course and the oil and profits for the Dickster...


Anonymous said...

Most intelligent people can see through this nonsense and that it is. It's your confederate flag flying, war mongers, WASP CEOs & CFO's and the like, and soccer Moms that are behind this guy.

SP Biloxi said...

Good point.. Even a caveman with one good eye can see that.