Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Libby trial: All about Cheney

Blogger Waterflake posted my article about the Libby trial this morning on her website. Here is the article:

All’s Well but Ends Well as Shakespeare would say. The six week Libby trial has given a real eye opener to the public on the role of the Bush Administration in leaking the name of covert operative, Valerie Plame Wilson to the media. Special Prosecutor Pat Fitzgerald made the history books by convicting a White House aide and Cheney’s right hand man, Scooter Libby, in four counts of perjury.

Libby defense team took a gamble with their client being the sacrificial lamb for Karl Rove and never delivered that theory. The government seized that tragic mistake by the defense team and gave the most memorable closing arguments. Libby is guilty of perjury and lying to the investigators and the Grand Jury. Libby obstructed Fitzgerald’s four year investigation on a possible White House conspiracy. But, Libby was the fall guy for the person who was the mastermind to silence prewar intelligence critic and former Ambassador Joe Wilson and leak his wife’s covert name to reporters: Vice President Dick Cheney. I will analyze what went wrong and what went right for the defense team and for the government in the trial.

More from newsinkling.org

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