Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Dark Cloud under the Dickster

The pic is from cartoonist, Bill Mitchell

Washington - In legal terms, the jury has spoken in the Libby case. In political terms, Dick Cheney is still awaiting a judgment.

For weeks, Washington watched, mesmerized, as the trial of I. Lewis Libby Jr. cast Vice President Cheney, his former boss, in the role of puppeteer, pulling the strings in a covert public relations campaign to defend t
the Bush administration's case for war in Iraq and discredit a critic.

"There is a cloud over the vice president," the prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, told the jury in summing up the case last month.

"The trial has been death by 1,000 cuts for Cheney," said Scott Reed, a Republican strategist. "It's hurt him inside the administration. It's hurt him with the Congress, and it's hurt his stature around the world because it has shown a lot of the inner workings of the White House. It peeled the bark right off the way they operate."

The legal question in the case was whether Mr. Libby lied to investigators and prosecutors looking into the leak of the name of a C.I.A. operative, Valerie Wilson, whose husband, the former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, wrote an Op-Ed article in The New York Times accusing the White House of distorting pre-war intelligence. Mr. Cheney scrawled notes on a copy of the article, asking "did his wife send him on a junket?"

Now, Mr. Cheney faces a civil suit from Mr. Wilson.


Anonymous said...

Yes the best medical for this administration, and the Chimp gained a couple of pounds, now who does that with a war going on and your the President? Apparantly he has spent a lot of time on the ranch eating BBQ.
Pyscho Laura had a minute spot taken off her leg, didn't a bandaid show up as she was in her overpriced dress that two or three other guests had on at the Holiday event?
And Cheney, gosh who has time to see a doctor for every little ache and pain......or who can get into their doctor for every little thing, most nurses screen patients because doctors are overworked, between office hours, doing rounds, calling patients back, reading lab results etc.....they can't let every patient in for every little thing.....and your insurance would balk unless it was coded right and it was for a legitimate reason.........

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Had to delete the double of my post....don't know how that happened? Ya, everyone is so concerned about Cheney's health (ya how many in the middle east have some sort of Cheney Voodoo doll?, starting with Ahmadinejad)

SP Biloxi said...

The Dickster is on borrowed time. I don't know what will seal his fate: impeachment, resigning, losing his profits from Halliburton, a new sheriff in town in corporate, or his time up on Earth?

But, we do know one thing: he can't take his money or profits with him when he leaves this earth.