Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Plot Thickens...

A senior aide to Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA) has been implicated in the controversial firing of eight U.S. attorneys by the Bush administration, which Democrats believe may have been politically motivated, The Hill reports.

Senate Democrats, having launched a probe into the matter, heard testimony before the Judiciary Committee in which former US Attorney John McKay "said that Ed Cassidy, then-chief of staff to Hastings, called him in 2004 to ask whether he was investigating allegations of voter fraud after a Democrat won the Washington state governor's race in a third recount," Susan Crabtree writes for The Hill.

"McKay said he stopped the conversation by asking Cassidy whether the aide was truly asking on behalf of his boss about an internal investigation or whether he was trying to lobby McKay to launch one, which would have been improper," Crabtree reports. "Cassidy agreed that such questioning would be unethical and finished the conversation 'in a most expeditious fashion.'"

More on the story.

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