Thursday, March 15, 2007

The ‘Clinton did it’ defense....

It's been 6 1/2 years since Clinton left office. The far right wingers certainly have the man-love for Clinton. From The Carpetbagger report:

Believe me, I had no intention of writing about this for the third consecutive day, but the right’s use of Clinton to downplay the prosecutor purge scandal has adapted. Some are still foolishly complaining about Clinton having hired new U.S. Attorneys upon taking office, but the more sophisticated far-right Bush supporters have decided to narrow their focus onto one federal prosecutor in particular.

For example, during an online chat yesterday, a reader confronted the WaPo’s Dan Froomkin with this charge: “Please be honest to your readers. Clinton fired the Whitewater investigator and replaced the person with one of his law students, who dropped the case.” (Froomkin responded, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”)

Similarly, in our comments section yesterday, a reader argued, “You’d have to be an idiot to buy this explanation that what Clinton did is somehow different. Clinton replaced a prosecutor involved in his OWN whitewater case with a friend of his.”

Where’s all of this coming from? The editorial page of the Wall Street Journal.

Also at the time, allegations concerning some of the Clintons’ Whitewater dealings were coming to a head. By dismissing all 93 U.S. Attorneys at once, the Clintons conveniently cleared the decks to appoint “Friend of Bill” Paula Casey as the U.S. Attorney for Little Rock. Ms. Casey never did bring any big Whitewater indictments, and she rejected information from another FOB, David Hale, on the business practices of the Arkansas elite including Mr. Clinton. When it comes to “politicizing” Justice, in short, the Bush White House is full of amateurs compared to the Clintons.


airJackie said...

Yes the Bill Clinton defense is working over time. Bush commits crimes the White House and media say Bill Clinton did it. Bush invaded Iraq but Clinton did it. All the US saving gone yes Bill Clinton did it. Katrina victims are left to die by Bush, Clinton is called to help the people. Only one question is Bill Clinton still President as we are to believe that Harry Potter used his magic wand and made 6 years go away.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, and the same sinner President who had consensual oral sex with an over the age of 18 intern! The right winger demanded Clinton to be impeached yet these same right wingers were eating good with a full belly, looking good, smelling good, and having a wad full of money in a growing economy in the good ole Clinton two term days. And they call the same sinner to bail out the mess from the Gerbil Administration not once but twice! They benefited from Clinton. And now that the Gerbil and Co. are getting caught in graft, all of the sudden, the right wingers want to throw Clinton under the bus.

Anonymous said...

It is well past time for this administration to take responsibility for all it's mess.