Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cartoon for Thursday: The 24-Hour Scandal Cycle


airJackie said...

If you think this is bad you haven't seen what's ahead. This corruption operation is so deep it has hit the frame work of this country. Remember no other country invaded the US to get us to this point. We allowed the real AXIS OF EVIL to destroy America. Yes world leaders have told Americans but no one listen as the White House used the media to spread the lies. Now ven Mohammed is bigger then Osama. Yes Bush did keep one promise to the Middle East. He protected Osama at all cost. Nice to see Bush did tell the truth once in 6 years. Karl is in every criminal act done by the White House and Boner is paid to keep it silent. Republicans who are on the take are fighting to cover up the crimes and keep the White House secrets. Money is involved big money. The plan is working well fired honest DOJ lawyers hire corrupt ones. Fire honest Judges and hire corrupt ones. Supreme Court is mostly corrupt Judges in the back pocket of Corruption. Next Bush will remove the two party system and have only Republicans in office. I remember in the past the talk of two United States looks like that idea will be coming back soon.

Anonymous said...

Republicans -- Communists ---CIA-FBI/KGB. People need to wake up and vote responsibly, and watch something other than garbage on the TV, including FAUX news.