Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Verdict?

Here we go in the court room:

Okay, we're finally in the court room now. Bonamici is wearing her red jacket again.

We're waiting on the jury, I think. Okay, here goes.

Walton: I've received the parties proposal as to what I should say to the jury. I have some questions in my mind as to what the jury is asking me. I'm going to send a note back to the jury indicating I am not certain what they're asking, can you clarify what you're asking.

Wells: As long as the record is clear that it's the position of the defense that we think the note is clear. We would ask your honor not to send the note. I think govt and defense are reading the note in the same fashion. Defense response and govt response are both very close.
Walton: You may well be right. I have some uncertainty. I'll send that back. I assume we'll get something back very quickly.

So we'll wait in the courtroom, I guess.
10:19 am ET

Wells says, "we're going back to our room. Zeidenberg, standing too close to a microphone, says, "The Jacuzzi doesn't even work."
And we wait.
10:25 am ET
It's going to be a half hour. I have a suggestion, in addition to wifi, let's get the courtroom some IM, so Walton can IM the jury to get his clarification.
10:27 am ET
Hey there. Fitz' team is in the courtroom. Wells was in the courtroom speaking to Bonamici and Fitzgerald for a while. But he then went back into their room.
Everyone–on both sides–is very chatty this morning. And everyone looks well rested (though I gotta say Libby has his big cheezy smile that looks pasted on, something artificial producing that smile, let me tell you.)
BTW, I don't think Zeidenberg was talking about a jacuzzi IN the court house.
Okay, here comes Wells and Jeffress. Walton's clerk has the note, both sides are reviewing it. Fitzgerald is pointing at it.
Both sides have BIG cheezy grins on their faces.
11:05 am ET
Okay, everyone seems to be in agreement. We're just waiting on the judge–and hopefully, the jury. Remember them, the jury?
Fitz is now explaining this in animated gestures to Zeidenberg. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with the jacuzzi, though.
Wells also explaining something, to Libby.
Walton back.
The jury sent a note in response, indicating that after further discussion, "we are clear on what we need to do." They no longer need clarification.
Um. So much for the question.
Wells is saying, It's nice we could come to some joint resolution.
11:08 am ET
Jane's back. She says the question had something to do with Count Three–the Cooper false statements charge. If you ask my opinion, that's the most likely acquittal.
Not that that means anything!! We should have the note shortly.
11:13 am ET
We should get the note shortly, folks.
11:15 am ET

Note from the jury:
We would like clarification on the charge as stated under Count 3 specifically:
Page 74 of the jury instructions, "Count three of the indictment alleges that Mr. Libby falsely told the FBI on October 14 or November 26, 2003, that during a conversation with M. Cooper of Time Magazine on July 12, 2003, Mr. Libby told Mr. Cooper that reporters were telling the administration that Mr. Wilson's wife worked for the CIA but that Mr. Libby did not know of this was true. (i.e., is the charge that the statement was made or about the content of the statement itself)
Judge's note at the bottom — I am not exactly certain what you are asking me. Can you please clarify your question?

Second note from jury:
After further discussion, we are clear on what we need to do. No further clarification needed. Thank you. We apologize.
After the second note came back, the Libby team was clustered around some piece of paper (I assume the note) chuckling. They showed it to Fitz, and nobody seemed to alarmed one way or the other.

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