Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The verdict form in the Libby trial

Some interesting information while we wait for court to start this morning...

new details on the Scooter Libby jury deliberation process:

The jurors wore jeans today. Certainly a sign they knew they weren't going to finish today...otherwise they would have dressed up.

Ted Wells is buying courtroom sketches of himself from the sketch artists. His advice: "Always buy your sketches before the verdict."
Libby's wife, lawyer Harriet Grant and Libby attorney Bill Jeffress hit the park across from the courthouse during the wait to grab a smoke.
Both sides have waiting rooms in the courthouse. The Government's is bigger.

Patrick Fitzgerald drove 15 hours from Chicago to be in court yesterday due to planes being grounded in Chicago. I'm not sure I'm buying that one. He may have driven to a city en route to D.C. and flown from there, but why bother to go home on Friday night if you have to drive back on Sunday morning?

One lawyer on the defense team "gave birth" last week. I can't figure out who that is because none of the Libby lawyers or associates I saw were pregnant. Of course, one of the male lawyers' wives or partners may have given birth, but that would be giving the man way too much credit in my opinion.
Here is the verdict form.

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