Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Uncovered Money from Accused Terrorist Funder to GOP

Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari, indicted two weeks ago for financing terrorists in Afghanistan among other charges, gave more than $35,000 to Republican campaign committees, not $15,000 as was reported earlier.

A $20,000 contribution from Alishtari to the National Republican Senatorial Committee on August 29th, 2003, was not previously reported because his name was misspelled ("Allshtari") on the NRSC's disclosure form to the Federal Election Commission (unfortunately, such misspellings are fairly frequent). Alishtari's online CV stated that he was named an "Inner Circle Member for Life" of the NRSC.

The NRSC announced last week that it was giving Alishtari's contribution to a "charitable organization" that "benefits our military men and women and their families," although the spokesperson oddly did not name Alishtari (saying only "a former donor") or disclose the amount Alishtari gave the committee in the statement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so they got caught now they give it to a charity........same thing happened here in Chicago with Rezko's donnation to Blagojevich...he gave it to charity....well it's a better place for the money anyhow