Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Blogger Prosecutor Called Firing "Political Fragging"

One of those angry prosecutors, apparently, is David Iglesias, the U.S. Attorney for New Mexico. According to Joe Monohan, a political consultant and blogger, Iglesias wrote in an email to a friend that his firing was a "political fragging." From the email, excerpted on Monohan's blog:

This is a political fragging, pure and simple. I'm OK with being asked to move on for political reasons, I'm NOT OK with the Department of Justice wrongfully testifying under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee that I had performance issues...

But maybe we'll hear this straight from the horse's mouth tomorrow morning. Iglesias has scheduled a press conference, his last day on the job. The purpose: to "discuss his resignation and plans for the future," according to a press advisory.


Anonymous said...

GOP is full of excuses excuses excuses and can't accept the blame for their own actions

SP Biloxi said...
