Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Summation of Libby Trial for February 6, 2007

Titanic is the word to describe Libby's defense. If this trial goes on with the same pace, Libby defense will certainly weaken. Today, the jurors listed to more grand jury testimony with Scooter. Some very interesting testimonies that trigger the defense team to come up with a plan B as they present their defense witnesses this week:
Fitz: How well did you know Judith Miller?
Libby: Had only met her once before July 8th. (repeats answer from previous testimony about
Fitz: When did you meet her before? May, June?
Libby: It would be on my schedule.
Oh Oh.. Libby better recheck his schedule. According to the government exhibit, he met with Miller prior to July 8th:

MONDAY JUNE 23, 2003

Here another goof by Libby in his testimony:
Libby: I was unaware that she was not writing during this period, but the VP instructed me to talk to Judith Miller. I said, but NIE is classified, but Cheney said Pres. had authorized it. Libby went to Addington to confirm that Pres. could declassify (this is all stuff that has been reported, so sorry if I miss details). So the Pres and VP wanted me to discuss this, and I selected Judith Miller because I felt she was a responsible reporter (Uhh, you just said Cheney picked her, didnt you?).
Another slip at the tongue by Libby.
And here is another damaging testimony:

Fitz: When was the NIE officially declassified?
Libby: July 18th.
Fitz: Did the President specifically authorize you to give this information with Judith Miller.
Libby:The first reporter that I discussed the NIE with.The first I discussed the text of the NIE with, yes.
July 18, huh? Novak's article came out on July 14, four days before the President declassified the NIE. Funny how Libby remembered that date.
The defense have their work cut out and will be differcult to put Libby on the stand. Timmy Russert will be testifying for the government. And just got word that defense may put Timmy's attorney on the stand. Most likely to counteract Timmy's testimony. The government has cornered the Libby defense team into a defense that will crumble and exposure a much more corrupted White House Administration.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

My heart will go on yes Fitz is King of the World as he and his team proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the White House leaked the CIA's name and then tried to cover it up with the help of journalist and the media. Now Americans have to decide if the President and VP should be charged with their crimes. As for the UN I say the WH better watch out they may be charged with war crimes as more of the lies and criminal action come out. The 2.9 Trillon dollars has to be paid out to those involved with the WH, or there will be hell to pay.