Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Libby Trial: Grand Jury Testimony Part Five

Fitz establishes that only Dubya, Cheney, and Libby knew about insta-declassification, even as rest of government — including Rice and Hadley, and Tenet, and Andrew Card — engaged in official discussions about declassification through July 18th.)
F: Was it typical to keep members of intelligence in the dark about declassification issues?
L: Plenty of times VP tells me something I'm not supposed to tell anyone. (tangled Q&A that draws some smiles in press rooms about why it was OK not to tell)
F: How well did you know Judith Miller?
L: Had only met her once before July 8th. (repeats answer from previous testimony about
F: When did you meet her before? May, June?
L: It would be on my schedule
F: Did Miller ever write anything based on your meeting?
L: No. It was a failed effort to get the NIE out, in my opinion.
F: And you also talked with Miller on July 12.
L: Yes.
(Long exchange about Libby's phones, phone number, phone bills — including "who's your long distance carrier," etc.)
F: Did you call Miller using your personal phone?
L: I think so.
F: Any chance you used your cell phone?
L: I don't think so.
And with that, Walton says we're recessing for the evening… he has some documents he has to review, and then pick up his daughter from school. (So we have no idea whatsoever where that phone-bill line of questioning was going!!)
But first, Fitz has a few things he wants to share. The "mystery witness" is apparently a DOJ attorney who will testify about the rules for subpoenaing journalists, since people have raised questions (Fitz mentions Don Imus!) about why Russert was forced to testify, but not purported leakees like David Gregory (Jeff, are you out there?). He may not testify, because Fitz isn't sure that's how he wants to end his case. He also wants to enter a bunch of other documents as evidence, including a packet of articles showing Libby's obsession interest regarding the press response to Wilson… and he also mentions "the aspens letter."
It's 4:29pm ET, and we're not quite done yet.

The defense makes its pitch for excluding the new batch of articles, and Walton seems receptive, saying they are "of little probative value and potentially prejudicial." Fitz says they show Libby's focus and the Wilson issue and that the govt. feels the "Wilson issue" and "Wilson's wife issue" are inextricably entertained — a little snark as he says, "just because someone charged with perjury says the two were separate, that doesn't mean we should be constrained" (or words to that effect). Walton says he'll think it over.
School's out! Catch ya later.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now need to continue with the trial our of Libby's own mouth he was told by Cheney to leak classified information with document to prove it. Russert was used to cover up the lie that's all. Now we know Cheney committed TREASON, with Bush's knowledge. All the spin/blame/lies can't change this fact. Now the jurors have to believe the numerous witnesses lied while testifying of being told about the CIA name and these people don't know each other. They must believe that the documents aren't real and that what Libby told grand jury never happen. I say the Defense team needs Harry Potter and his magic wand.