Monday, February 05, 2007

Rupert Murdoch admits manipulating the media…Surprise…Surprise

While at Davos, Rupert Murdoch discusses the rise of the Internet and digital media, but tells us he used News Corp. to manipulate the news.
Asked if his News Corp. managed to shape the agenda on the war in Iraq, Murdoch said: "No, I don't think so. We tried." Asked by Rose for further comment, he said: "We basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East…but we have been very critical of his execution."
And I wonder why Murdoch is admitting this now?


airJackie said...

He's trying to spin as the investigations will reveal he played a much larger part in the lies and fake story that allow 3000 plus soldier to die. Rupert is hoping by spilling his guts now the story will be old when the full exposure comes out. His station could be charged too. It's all about softening the blow that will come later.

Anonymous said...

Cartoon Network (hopefully they won't have any more PR/Marketing thing that caused a bomb scare, flashing cartoons that shut down Boston, but were caught in Chicago), Disney Chanel, Fox News, same category of entertainment channels using fiction