Monday, February 05, 2007

The chimpster’s budget is ‘disconnected from reality’

President George W. Bush submitted a 2.9 trillion-dollar government budget request for the next fiscal year to Congress, including tens of billions of dollars for military operations in Iraq.

As he submitted his record fiscal year 2008 budget plan, Bush also said he would be seeking a supplemental request of 235 billion dollars in the 2007 and 2008 fiscal years for military spending and Washington's global "war on terror."

Despite seeking tens of billions of dollars to support the US military in war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan, however, Bush has also pledged to balance the overall budget within five years, partly through restraining health care and other non military programs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all this and balance the budget in 5 years, he really is doing more than booze and weed talking like that