Friday, February 23, 2007

Open Thread: TGIF!


Anonymous said...

What's happening in the Shrub War:

Would Mr. Bush have been better served by Powell had he taken his beating like a man for forcing Powell to participate in his punchbowl of lies served up to the United Nations? - You bet he would.

Western Countries will soon control Iraqi Oil

Iraqi's welcome a pullout

The use of chlorine combined with vehicle bombs may represent a new tactic used by bombers against Iraqi civilians, officials there have said.

Conflict with Iran Avoidable?

Meanwhile, three American troops died in combat on Thursday in Iraq's western Anbar province, the U.S. military said in a statement on Friday. Thursday's deaths brought to 3,154 the number of American soldiers killed in Iraq since 2003.

Geezer Power said...

Looks like We The People before the boob tube. Like when the news reel was at the theater. Sam Donaldson would heart it.

Very nice that he Ko'd Dubya at the news conference, like many of the MSM folks would do if they weren't in the shadow of corporate $$$...

airJackie said...

Iran is smarter then the current President. The players are playing the players. Bush/Cheney plan to invade Iraq for oil as Saddam was weak. Osama was training his troops but didn't plan the 9/11 attack. Most of the pieces are coming to light. The Saudi's are up to there neck in this plan. If anyone wants the answer just follow the money of the terrorist that died in 9/11. The WTC wasn't suppose to collapse it was to target Cantor Fitzgerald offices as to destroy the documents that would lead Daddy Bush and company to pay real big bucks. There was trouble with American policy long before Bush, but the plan was made by Big Business and other countries of interest. As you count the US Treasury's spending you'll find many world leaders were paid to go along with this plan of invasion. Chalabri played his part but he is only interested in becoming Leader of Iraq by replacing Saddam which was his plan as the Bush Administration paid him 300,000 dollars a month for his service. Blair is leaving so is the UK. Blair got paid big money and his son got a great job given by the Bush Administration. This mess was and is about oil and greed. No one cares about the troops and how many young brave soldiers die. The Church leaders played a large role in this plan also. Like are crimes and scandals done by elected officials we will know the truth. Remember when most people are about the die they want to make peace with God then the truth will leak out. But if the new President has the guts to appoint Fitzgerald to do the investigation the truth will come out sooner.

SP Biloxi said...

Pretty sad, Chicago Native about deqth of the soldiers yesterday. We have a lot of mess to clean up in this country from this corrupted administration. Thanks for the article.