Friday, February 23, 2007

Cheney's Role Dominates Closing Arguments at Libby Trial

It was the defense attorney representing I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby whofirst told jurors during closing arguments in the perjury andobstruction-of-justice trial Tuesday that the government believes VicePresident Dick Cheney told Libby to leak the identity of covert CIAoperative Valerie Plame Wilson to a New York Times reporter in July 2003 toundermine the credibility of her husband, a critic of the Iraq War.

Additional information about what the prosecution believes Cheney's rolein the leak may have been surfaced in closing arguments this week. As thejury enters its third full day of deliberations Monday to decide whetherLibby is guilty or innocent of five felonies. Libby's attorney, TheodoreWells, told jurors that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and his deputyhave been attempting to build a case of conspiracy against the vicepresident and Libby and that the prosecution believes Libby may have lied tofederal investigators and a grand jury to protect Cheney.

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