Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Libby trial: John Hannah is up! Part Three

One more note: in (dis)honor of John Hannah's bellicose statements of late, I will not follow my normal practice of referring to witnesses by their initials. Instead, I will refer to him as "TYOI."
Now on Al Qaeda.
TYOI, trying to prevent another 9/11 on American homeland.
C During this period Libby was concerned with threatened attacks on US interests by AQ and other terrorist groups. During June-July, Libby sought to prevent terrorist groups, incl AQ, from carrying out attacks.
TYOI I'd qualify it, I'm not sure how much my own knowledge goes to time frame. It was a very intense focus from 9/11 on.
C I don't mean to exclude other periods. [Like before 9/11, when they ignored Tenet's hair on fire?]
C Libby trying to prevent terrorist attacks. Concerned that AQ trying to attack US with WMD.
C Concerned that AQ trying to get anthrax, trying to inflict mass casualities
TYOI A continuous concern.
C Talking about these issues, Libby dealt with. That concern manifested day to day?
TYOI Yes. My involvement in specific AQ WMD attacks on homeland was episodic, often as observer, but intensity and regularity of his involvement in those issues very high and very continuous. He was a leader in US govt in all the issues I was concerned with.

More on Hannah's testimony.

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