Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Libby trial: John Hannah is up! Part Deux

One more note: in (dis)honor of John Hannah's bellicose statements of late, I will not follow my normal practice of referring to witnesses by their initials. Instead, I will refer to him as "The Year of Iran."
Cline up, C and The Year of Iran
The Year of Iran: John Hannah, I work at OVP, currently VP's NSA. Advising VP on all matters concerning national security, foreign policy, writing an awful lot of memos for him.
C: When begin duties as NSA
The Year of Iran End of October 2005. Mr Libby preceded.
C: When Libby had position as NSA, did you work with him
The Year of Iran Very closely
C: What was your position
The Year of Iran I served as Mr Libby's principal deputy for Nat Security Affairs, prior to that responsibility for Middle East.
C: Describe duties then
The Year of Iran Trying to keep Mr. Libby and through him VP informed on all matters relating to foreign policy in ME
C: Can you give us sense, unclassified level, on those issues
The Year of Iran Iraq, Iran, palestinian, Saudi Arabia, AQ My responsibilities touched on all those areas.
C: Other deputies
The Year of Iran He certainly had a principal deputy, Eric Edelman, two other, one responsible for Asia, one responsible for strategic planning.
C: All reported to Libby, each had particular areas of responsibility, Libby responsible for all those areas. You mentioned Edelman. Do you recall that Edelman left on June 6, 2003
The Year of Iran Don't recall exact date, but that time frame.
C: New principal deputy took rein in July 2003, who was that?
The Year of Iran Victoria Nuland
C: During the time between, was there a principal deputy
The Year of Iran I took on the duties.
C: You were short one deputy?
The Year of Iran That's correct.

More on Hannah's testimony.

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