Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fitz's closing arguments transcript

Mr. Fitzgerald: Good Afternoon.

The Jury: Good Afternoon.

Mr. Fitzgerald: Madness, outrageous, the Government brought a case about two phone calls with no corroberation, two witnesses, nothing to back it up and they just want us to speculate. The defense wishes that we were so.Saying it, saying it loudly, saying it pounding the table doesn’t change the facts, doesn’t change the law and doesn’t change the evidence. Let’s talk about the facts. Let’s get busy.Let’s look up there. Is this case about two reporters and two phone calls, that’s it, nothing? They wish it were so. This case is not a one-on-one he said/she said. It’s a he said, he said, she said, he said, he said, she said, he said, he said, she said, he said and the defendant made it up.

More on Fitz's closing arguments.


Anonymous said...

Happy Monday Bil,
Unfortunately things are brewing in the Middle East.
It's this type of activity that will get a Democrat into office. Barak Obama is neck and neck with Hilary in the pols. And if the election was held today Guiliani would be the GOP choice (sad isn't it! Womanizer, cross dresser etc.)so it would be an easy win for the Democrat.
I don't watch Hollywood award shows, other than news, CSpan, History, Discovery Channel and sometimes HGTV and Food Network I have no clue on actors etc.

experts warn that tension in the Gulf region raises fears that a military confrontation between Iran and the U.S. is becoming increasingly likely before President George W. Bush leaves office

Iraqi vice Pres survives blast Adel Abdul-Mahdi, a Shia and one of Iraq's two puppet vice presidents, suffered bruises and was taken to a hospital to be examined, an aide said.

Iran launches first rocket into space

Saddam's lawyer is writting a book on Saddam's secrets

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani's health is "completely normal and stable", his office said on Monday, a day after he was flown to a Jordanian hospital because of low blood pressure.

The United States, while insisting it has no military plans against Iran, is beefing up its naval firepower in the Gulf: two US aircraft carrier groups are now there, the highest concentration since the 2003 invasion of Iraq

The weekly reported that the US Defence Department had formed a special planning group to draw up possible attacks on Iran “that can be implemented, upon orders from the president, within 24 hours.”

SP Biloxi said...

Happy Monday to you, Chicago Native:

Oh and thanks for the uodate on Obama and Hillary. I just have a feeling that those twp will be the Democratic ticket for Prez. and VP. Too much talks about those two.

Thnaks for the update on Iran. Yeah, the Gerbil and the Veep are still agressively pursuing Iran. Too much will come out about the Geribl and Ambien if they don't deliver Iran.