Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Prosecutors allege Lord Black used Web to boost stock

U.S. attorney seeks permission to enter new evidence
U.S. prosecutors will attempt to introduce evidence at Conrad Black's fraud trial in March that the former press baron carried out a pattern of manipulation, including posting an anonymous message about his company's stock price on a Yahoo! Internet message board after berating another executive for being "strait-laced" when he refused to do it.
Court papers filed by U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois yesterday also allege Lord Black and other former Hollinger International Inc. executives engaged in insider trading with the help of Brascan Corp. to prop up Hollinger's share price in the late 1990s.
The U.S. government is asking Judge Amy St. Eve for permission to enter new evidence in the case, including some provided by Lord Black's former right-hand man, David Radler -- who cut a deal in exchange for helping the prosecution-- so it can "complete the story of the crime" for a jury.
The government claims some of the evidence is important because it demonstrates Lord Black's "consistent belief that [Hollinger] International's money belonged to him."

More on the story.


Geezer Power said...


Blogger is being really weird this am. looks like I can post here, but getting a message that blogger is temporarily out of service on Fit's blog?

Impeacnment is looking better all of the time. Lieberman convinced me...lol

SP Biloxi said...


Blogger is really acting up. I couldn't get into by own blog site to post new article a for a while.. I hope the Blogger is up and running. I, too, cannot, get on blogs of Fitz or CC. Just keep you eyes and ears open for more damage control from the 110th Congress and Pelosi.. I have a feeling tomorrow's speech with the Gerbil will be turning point for the American people to want the blow up doll President removed...

p.s. Don't mention Lieberman. He lost me at a hello when he decided to abandon the Democratic Party to join the GOP lovefest. And that kiss with the Gerbil really sealed Lieberman's choosing. He may be an Independent on paper but he is GOP through and through..

Anonymous said...

Judge Amy St. Eve is now almost done with the Mohammed Salah trial. Busy Judge.