Tuesday, January 09, 2007

McCain-Lieberman ticket? Very scary...

Newsweek’s Tom Curry speculates about an idea for a presidential ticket that’s almost too scary for words.
Will McCain, now a leading contender for the 2008 GOP nomination, borrow Kerry’s idea and offer the vice presidency to Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut’s self-styled “independent Democrat”?
The McCain-Lieberman duo showed a warm camaraderie Friday during their joint appearance at the American Enterprise Institute, an event where they both called for a substantial increase in the number of U.S. troops in Iraq in order to impose order, stop ethnic cleansing, and give the Maliki government a chance to succeed.
Lieberman lavished praise on his Arizona ally…. There’s an affinity of personnel, as well as of ideology, between the Arizona Republican and the Connecticut Democrat: McCain’s spokesman in 2004, Marshall Wittmann, now works as Lieberman’s spokesman.
The quote of the piece clearly goes to Terry Lierman, chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party, who said, “Does McCain need Lieberman to attract Republican votes?”
That’s funny, but the idea of a McCain-Lieberman ticket isn’t. Indeed, in 2008, exactly which part of the American electorate will be clamoring for an all-hawk, all-the-time ticket?


Anonymous said...

These two don't have a chance, people are tired with both of them.

SP Biloxi said...

I know.. That is joke.. Both a flip flopper and turncoats...