Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Libby Trial: Matt Cooper is up! Part Two

In case you missed it, in the conversation where Mary Matalin told Libby to call Russert to complain about Tweety (because Russert hates Tweety, tell him everything), she also called Joe Wilson "a snake." It'll be redacted in the exhibits. But trust me–it's in there.
Cooper back. Fitz back up.
Cooper's wearing a dark suit, striped tie. And there's a computer monitor in front of him–otherwise he looks like he does in the picture.
F Afternoon Mr Cooper Did there come a time when you received a subpoena.
MC We fought the subpoena.
F Did you speak with Libby?
MC I believe it was August 4. We'd seek his permission to speak, we didn't want to rely on written waiver, we wanted more personal assurances, we decided we'd seek them from Libby. So I called him and spoke.
F Describe conversation.
MC It took several phone calls via his staff, eventually we did speak, you may have read this legal case, the next day I was scheduled to be put in contempt. So I called Libby, I wanted to see permission to talk about conversation that were confidential. I plan to tell the truth, my words will probably be exculpatory. He said, let me stop you there, it's okay by me if it's okay, have your lawyer call my lawyer. I'd have Abrams talk to Tate. So we chatted amicably for a while after that. He said It's okay by me, I'd like the lawyers to speak.
F Did the lawyers speak.
MC Over the next couple of weeks, we were satisfied that Libby was offering voluntary permission.
F Nothing further.
2:04 pm ET
Update 2:
Jeffress Up.
J You had a third source, didn't you?
MC I personally did not.
J You testified at a lawyers office, in August 2004. He didn't put you before GJ at that time. When you were asked about your sources, you said there were three sources. One was Mr Rove, one was Libby, was one of them John Dickerson of Time.
Cooper leaning waaayy back in his chair, looking sideglance over at bench. He's got his eyes closed.
Btw–Cooper told the GJ the Plame part of the conversation was on background. He said off the record earlier today. I wonder if that's the "slight discrepancy" that Walton noted with Cooper's versions of the story?
Now Cooper leaning over. Here we go. Cooper adjusts microphone.
Fitz must have won that debate. Jeffress back.
J Mr Cooper I'm going to show you what's in evidence as Defendant's exhibit. "War on Wilson??" You're a co-author? [color, web version up]
MC Yes
J Does that article mention Amb Wilson's wife? If you would look at second paragraph. "And some govt officials." You and your coauthors have noted to Time in interviews that Wilson's wife is CIA official who monitors WMD.
MC Yes sir.
J based on, #1, Libby didn't say about her name, didn't say about her being a CIA official, didn't say about her monitoring WMD,
MC Correct.
J You had one other official.
MC Correct.
J Did you have also info from John Dickerson. Did that info concern government official. That info was also a source for what you wrote?
MC Yes
J Did you speak to Dickerson while he was in Africa, on Saturday March 12
MC Not sure date and time, my recollection it was on that Friday, 11th
J If is said March, I meant July 11 you talked to Dickerson
MC yes.
J Shortly after noon
MC Roughly.
2:23 pm ET
Update 3:
MC an email from me to Dickerson, 12:14 PM
MC Call me from landline.
J you had already heard him before this? Had you heard from him that day
MC Probably not I wanted to discuss this story we were working on
J Do you believe you told another reporter the info from Rove
MC Yes
J Aside from Dickerson, what other reporters knew, prior to the time you talked to Libby, knew about Plame
MC As I sit here today, I recall I sent email to bureau chief, Michael Duffy and Jay Carney, alerting them to conversation. As for others, I'm not sure.
J Did Rove indicate to you, did he say something to you that it's going to come out.
MC He did
J did he tell you how he knew? You saw it came out in a column by Novak
MC I certainly saw the Novak column.
MC Column came out before I wrote this piece.
J Do you see columns that go out on AP wire.
MC I may have access to them, but I didn't see it.
J You only saw it when you saw the column.
MC Correct.
J When Rove made his comment about Wilson's wife, you wrote that down. It was news to you. It was something you thought should be reported.
MC I thought it was something I thought we should do more reporting on.
J You wrote an email to editors.
MC That's the one I just alluded to.
J New exhibit. You recognize that email.
MC It's the one I referred to a few moments ago.
F Just with stipulation that we take off phone numbers.
J can we show it w/o the phone numbers
Cooper has a worried look in eyes. trying to get crick out of his neck.
J This is the "Spoke to Rove on double super secret background." email.
J is it fair to call Duffy and Carney editors.
MC technically they're not editors. They're supervisors of mine.
J want to talk about Double super secret background
MC Playful allusion to Animal House, John Belushi's frat put on double secret probation.
J You improved it.
J Rove spoke on deep backgrond. You said earlier that you spoke off the record. What does that mean.
MC Can't be used.
J Deep background,
MC Journalists might disagree, the material can be used, but not directly quoted or attributed.
J If you were to use info on deep background.
MC IF you told me on background you were wearing a blue suit, I'd say one attorney says he was wearing a blue seat. Deep background, "sources say."
J Background
MC synonymous with not for attribution, obscure their identity.
J Rove, he would be regarded as SAO. On background you could attribute to SAO. On the record, name him by name.
J: Different gradations. You've been a journalist for how many years?
MC 20 years
J Many off the record, deep background, you don't assume their saying something they shouldn't say.
MC I'm trying to listen to what they're saying
J Back to email.
2:33 pm ET

More on Cooper's testimony.

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