Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Percentage of Americans who support the job President Bush is doing in Iraq, a record low, according to a Gallup/USA Today poll.
“Bush will outline his ‘new way forward’ in Iraq on Wednesday to a nation that overwhelmingly opposes sending more U.S. troops and is increasingly skeptical that the war can be won.”


Geezer Power said...

Idiots on the road?


SP Biloxi said...

How low can you go? The Gerbil's legacy is on life support!


Anonymous said...

There should be a sign Imbecile in the White House!

Anonymous said...

Also another Danger Sign, Psycho loose in the White House, that should take care of Laura.

SP Biloxi said...

"There should be a sign Imbecile in the White House!"

Let's not forget the entire 109th Congress...

And yeah, there should be dange sign for joker smile and psycho Laura. I cross the street if I saw Laura.

Anonymous said...

First Pycho Laura sighting and I'm running accross the street too, don't anyone get in my way!