Thursday, November 16, 2006

Stupid Prosecution of the Week

SOUTH PORTLAND (Nov 15, 2006): The lawyer who dressed up in public with an Osama bin Laden mask and a fake gun on Halloween was charged this morning (Nov. 15) with three misdemeanors.
Tom Connolly, of Scarborough, was charged with terrorizing, criminal threatening and reckless conduct for his Oct. 31 protest held just off I-295 near Exit 3 that led to an arrest by South Portland police. Connolly's court date is set for Dec. 19.

Connolly, who is also a former candidate for governor, was staging a protest that was attempting to compare terrorism with the Taxpayer Bill of Rights on the November ballot. He was wearing the bin Laden mask, a white robe, a plastic gun and waving a sign that said "I love TABOR." Concerned drivers reported Connolly to police.

TABOR stands for the bill of rights...


Anonymous said...

It's Marquette Park, South Side between 67th and 71st (south 67th) and on the West the Central Park tracks (the viaduct runs most of my part of town) California Ave on the North, and Kedzie runs right through the middle. Right now most of the park looks really bad because they are digging out the Lagoon. You have to run on the East side of it if you are going to run. The biggest worry in alley's during the day is people walking their dogs. The neighborhoods further East and South of me have a lot more Pit Bull and Rotweiler pets.
If you ever come to Chicago I can let you know where to go or how to get there. As you can see people don't go south of China Town, or Hyde Park (this is where University of Chicago, the Science Museum are), the North Siders would like my part of town to fall into Lake Michigan. Not the part of town with a high price tag for houses, let's say more afforable.

SP Biloxi said...

Thanks for insight of Marquette Park.. Man, the neighborhood have a lot of Pit Bull and Rotweiler dogs? In my neighborhood, the postman won't deliver you mail if dogs are in his presence. Luckily the dogs in my area are well trained. There are very strict rules since there have been alot of postman who has been bitten by dogs..

I have to check my schedule to when I can travel to Chicago.. The weather at this time is really cold.. I have family that want me either to take a cruise, go to Chicago, go to New York, go to New Jersey, go to Canada or go to Arizona. And I have a friend that keep bugging me to travel to the UK.. My working schedule has kept my very busy this year. So, I have to map out my travel plans for 2007. Hopefully, flights will be alot of affordable..

Speaking of affordable, how is the housing market in Chicago?

Anonymous said...

You can buy a home on the South side for under 200,000. It starts at half a million on the North Side. What part of the country are you in? Also I would not suggest any tourists go South of Hyde Park or China Town. Also please don't consider jogging in Marquette Park unless you are a local, may I suggest Millenium Park, Grant Park, Oz Park, or Lincoln Park? Or the lake front.
Yes we have some who think they must keep these kinds of dogs. But you can get out of Midway on the Orange Line and take it downtown, or the Blue Line out of Ohare. The Orange line is the "El" which stays elevated from Midway (Southwest side El) all the way to downtown. If you are headed to Chicago I'll let you know the places to go and how to get around, and avoid the less scenic areas neighborhood.

SP Biloxi said...

The reason why I ask of the housing market is because I was just curious of the housing market in Chicago. Besides, I have friends who invest in properties in other states. Just wanted to know about the state of Illnois. I have two homes on West and East Coast (rather not say where) but I will say that for the homes on the south side to be 200K and 1 million k on the North Side really tells alot about the housing market elsewhere..

Anonymous said...

Supposidly the housing market in the midwest does not have the bubble bursting as bad as the coasts.
I do not suggest the South Side of Chicago, and the North side is out of control and there is now a glut in condo's that are in the millions of dollar range, especially the ones overlooking Millenium Park.
There are a lot of subdivisions in the suburbs of Chicago that are worth looking into. Or even land in some of the south suburbs. If you want to look around Joliet/Plainfield area that is supposed to be getting hot.
Also downstate in Springfield (the State Capital)and outlying suburbs you can buy low now, and those areas are seeing growth.
The market in Chicago is kind of crazy now things are staying on the market longer. And expect taxes to go up, especially in Cook County where the Forest Preserve district has just approved their budget with an increase to the property owners.
City Stickers are 75 dollars, 40 dollar late fee. If you own a bigger car, it is 90 dollars.
Our taxes just keep going up, on the Southside you can expect about a 4K a year. So you could imagine what the north side is.

They pay less taxes outside of Cook County, usually, some places are crazy like Naperville is about 7-12K a year is that nuts? But they keep getting the best place in the Country to live list.

SP Biloxi said...

"Our taxes just keep going up, on the Southside you can expect about a 4K a year."

Man, that is insane. that is how much a relative of mine in New Jersey is paying on her home. And we know why the taxes are up: the state needs money. A few close friend of mine in the state of California has education and library added to his taxes because the school system and library are lacking money from the state. That is interesting about the bigger car. I hope with the Democrats in office that the deficit is at least cut in half. Otherwise, people will be hurting more and more for years to come. The only thing that I fell bad for are young people in their 30's that can't by a home. What happened to the American dream? And thanks for the education into the housing market in Chicago. It is nice to learn something new everyday.