Thursday, November 16, 2006

Reid: Not 'Brokeback' close with senator

WASHINGTON - Nevada's senators — both winning leadership posts in opposite parties — pledged Wednesday to stay close on issues of mutual interest, but not too close.
"He and I just like each other, and I think we set a good example here in the Senate," Majority Leader-elect Harry Reid said of colleague John Ensign, who was chosen Wednesday by Senate Republicans to head their campaign fundraising operation.

"He's a Republican, I'm a Democrat, we work together on issues that are important to the state of Nevada. And I wish other people had the same nonaggression pact we have," Reid told reporters. "It's not a 'Brokeback Mountain' situation," he added, referring to last year's film about two gay cowboy lovers. More on the story.

That is great that two Senators fronm two different political parties can work together. That is way it should have been. But, I had to laugh at Reid comment about brokeback...

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