Friday, November 17, 2006

REPORT: Karl Rove May Be Leaving The White House In ‘Weeks, Not Months’

So soon Karl?

The White House Bulletin, a service of Bulletin News, reports that White House senior political adviser Karl Rove — aka “Bush’s Brain” — may soon be on his way out:
The rumors that chief White House political architect Karl Rove will leave sometime next year are being bolstered with new insider reports that his partisan style is a hurdle to President Bush’s new push for bipartisanship. “Karl represents the old style and he’s got to go if the Democrats are going to believe Bush’s talk of getting along,” said a key Bush advisor. More on the story.

Looks like the Internets-in-chief's word of his staff staying until the end of his term don't mean anything. Who else will be voted off the island?


airJackie said...

Release the Seal vs Seal now. I'd like to see Rove in the hot seat and turn on Dick Cheney.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Cheney will have a mysterious death and dissapear like Ken Lay?

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

With the kind of money Cheney has, he is smart enough to do it. I would keep an close eye on the Ambien.


I agree.. Fitz needs to unseal the sealed document to nail Rove since Rove is close to be out the door from the WH.

Anonymous said...

They don't need Rove anymore, all big elections are done for the Gerbil term. The Gerbil can run amuck now, they lost the house and Senate. Also Rove was behind a lot of the Robo calls....rumor has it.

SP Biloxi said...
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SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

Porkrind is hosed! Either the robo calls, phone rigging, or the leak case will nail him. He is playing Wheel of Graft. He will just spin the wheel and see which graft will nail him for good. He is no good to the Gerbil anymore...