Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Single or Partnered? That is the question on Foley

Finance writer Andrew Tobias of Miami, who is gay and treasurer of the Democratic National Committee said:

``As somebody who has met Mark Foley personally and has mutual friends, I am sad for Mark and I hope he doesn't go to jail. The last time I saw Mark, he was 19 years into a relationship. That was sad that it had to be hidden."

Single or partnered? I was at the same social gathering as Tobias three years ago, a South Beach birthday party. A friend introduced me to a couple at the party, Mark Foley and Layne Nisenbaum. Foley told me that he and Layne had been partners for 19 years. A few months later, New Times Broward-Palm Beach reported that The Advocate, a gay newsmagazine, had outed Foley in 1996 after he voted for the Defense of Marriage Act. More on the story.

According to wikipedia, Foley has been in a long-term relationship with a dermatologist, Dr. Layne Nisenbaum.

And who is Dr. Layne Nisenbaum?

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