Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mark this important date, folks!

Libby Trial Date Set — Jan. 16 Begins Jury Selection

Judge Walton issued an order on September 8. 2006 establishing the jury selection start date for the Libby trial. The judge had held off on setting a new date certain, based on Ted Wells’ request for continuance because of a trial he had previously scheduled in California, until he could check with that court to determine potential conflicts and check his own schedule and that of all the other counsels in the matter.
Apparently, that’s all gotten resolved and the new date and discovery issues schedule is as follows (per the order):
ORDERED that jury selection shall begin on January 16, 2007, with the trial commencing immediately thereafter. It is further
ORDERED, as set forth in the Court’s February 3, 2006 scheduling order, that the parties shall file motions in limine regarding any evidentiary issues they believe will be contested at trial by October 26, 2006, oppositions shall be filed by November 9, 2006, and replies shall be filed by November 15, 2006. It is further
ORDERED, as set forth in the Court’s February 3, 2006 scheduling order, that proposed voir dire questions and jury instructions shall be submitted to the Court by November 13, 2006.


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