Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Clinton meets the bloggers

Meet John from Americablog. He and other bloggers were invited to have lunch with former President Bill Clinton for a mastermind meeting.

We just had lunch in NYC with a real president
by John in DC - 9/12/2006

We just finished a two hour blogger lunch with President Clinton at his NY office in Harlem. He had reached out to a group of us a few weeks ago, before the Disney/ABC blow up, simply because he wanted to meet some bloggers. Much of the lunch was off the record, but some was on. And while the policy discussion was fascinating, for me these kind of get togethers are far more interesting on a personal than substantive level. Meaning, it's fascinating to see someone like Clinton in person. How his brain works, what he's like personally, and just as importantly, to meet and get to know his staff so we can all help each other in the future (we are, after all, Democratic bloggers).

Among those attending, that I can recall, were Atrios, Joe in DC and me, Chris Bowers and Matt Stoller from MyDD, McJoan from DailyKos, John Amato from Crooks & Liars (by phone from CA), Jane and Christy from FDL, Liberal Oasis, Steve from CarpetBagger, Jeraly and son from TalkLeft, Dave Johnson from Seeing the Forest, and I'm sure a few others I'm forgetting.

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