Monday, August 21, 2006

Leaks, leaks, leaks, and more leaks....

When will the U.S. ever learn?

Brits to FBI: Quit Leaking Terror Probe Secrets

The British security services, MI5 and MI6, are understood to be dismayed that a number of sensitive details surrounding the alleged plot - including an FBI estimate that as many as 50 people were involved - were leaked to the media.
FBI sources confirmed to The Observer that the bureau had been ordered to stop briefing at the request of the British authorities. 'The shutters have come down,' a bureau source said. 'We have been told not to discuss the case any more.',,1854503,00.html

1 comment:

SP Biloxi said...

Well, Bryant Gumbel may lose his job over stupid comments.. The only job that Crissy Snowjob will have is emptying out bed pans for Rummy!

It is amazing the FBI can't keep their shut! Well, that tells you about secretive-in-chief. The Gerbil doesn't tell the American people that he is trolling and invading their privacy yet the FBI blabs on confidential info... What type of trust among other countries that they have for the U.S. under the Gerbil/Ambien Administration??