Monday, August 21, 2006

The all and powerful chimpster-in-chief has spoken!

What is the defintion of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results...

Bush: 'We're not leaving so long as I'm president'

US President George W. Bush has announced that the United States will not be leaving Iraq during his presidency, RAW STORY has learned.
"Either you say, 'Yes it’s important we stay there and get it done,' or we leave," Bush argued. "We’re not leaving so long as I’m the president. That would be a huge mistake."
At a news conference today, Bush also conceded that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction

There is no WMD. So, why are we still there??

1 comment:

SP Biloxi said...


You know that the Gerbil couldn't attack Russia or Venezuela. Chavez had already said that he has an army lined up in case the Gerbil tries to attack Venezuela.. That would be the most disasterous thing for the Gerbil to do if he attack Venezuela.. Since the east coast get mostly their oil from Venezuela, we certainly would be hosed if the Gerbil pissed him off. Chavez gave residence in NY 40% off of saving on heating oil for the winter... I know that Gerbil is staying the cource for oil and profit. But, as you said he is looking for oil in the wrong place and it makes you wonder if he really passed geography!!!