Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Gerbil is now the reader-in-chief

Hold your laughter!

George W. Bush, reader

A week ago, we discussed whether the president actually read Camus' "The Stranger," and discussed the origins of existentialism. It turns out, however, there's a little more to Bush's new-found appreciation of the printed word.
Maybe it was the influence of his wife, Laura, a former librarian, or his mother, Barbara, a longtime promoter of literacy. Or perhaps he was just eager to dispel his image as an intellectual lightweight. But President Bush now wants it known that he is a man of letters.
In fact, Bush has entered a book-reading competition with Karl Rove, his political adviser. White House aides say the president has read 60 books so far this year (while the brainy Rove, to Bush's competitive delight, has racked up only 50).

I haven't heard a mention of My Pet Goat on the reading list.


airJackie said...

let's see how long does it take to read the children's book 15 pages mostly pictures and few little words that a first grader can understand/ My Pet Goat. Bush is still reading My Pet Goat now and it's been 5 years. I'd love for a journalist to ask Bush what he thought of the book The Stranger. I bet he didn't get pass the cover, there were big words that he didn't understand. If Rove and Bush are reading 50 to 60 books who's running the White House and when do they have time to read so much. Most like Bush asked Connie what the book was about or he asked for the movie. Even clip notes wouldn't help Bush understand. Laura should have done more to help George with all her education in reading you think. Oh that's right Laura was selling drugs on campus at college so it makes since she didn't have time.

SP Biloxi said...

Well, readers are leaders and leaders are readers. This doesn't equate to the Gerbil! It is hard to believe that the Gerbil has read 60 books in a month.. Now, 60 sniffs of cocaine and booze I would believe... You are right. The Gerbil didn't get pass the from cover of the book. He bought the cliff notes. You do that in high school and college: buy the cliff notes and cheat. If any reporter ask about Camus' book, The Stranger, to the Gerbil, the Gerbil will reply that Camus' book, The Stranger was really "strange." Just like global warming is warming the globe.

SP Biloxi said...

That was so funny bowtiekitty!!! LOL! Maybe the print should have been "6 pages" instead 60 pages.. Since the Gerbil yearns the bottle, I really doubt that he pushed for the 7th page!!Let's not get on Rove.. Kind of hard for Porkrind to read a book when he is on the chitlin circuit with his bull horn spreading the GOP koolaid messages so often!