Sunday, August 27, 2006

Cheney: The Co-President

Finally, there is someone to write an article of the real person who is running the White House..

Kuttner: Report on the Real Power

Robert Kuttner wrote in the Boston Globe that it's time for the press to stop putting all their focus on "the decider" and to start looking at who's really running the government.
Cheney is in a class [of Vice Presidents] by himself. The administration's grand strategy and its implementation are the work of Cheney-- sometimes Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, sometimes Cheney and political director Karl Rove.
Cheney has planted aides in major Cabinet departments, often over the objection of a Cabinet secretary, to make sure his policies are carried out. He sits in on the Senate Republican caucus, to stamp out any rebellions. Cheney loyalists from the Office of the Vice President dominate interagency planning meetings.
The Iraq war is the work of Cheney and Rumsfeld. The capture of the career civil service is pure Cheney. The disciplining of Congress is the work of Cheney and Rove. The turning over of energy policy to the oil companies is Cheney. The extreme secrecy is Cheney and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
As Kuttner says, if Cheney was smoked out and people understood who was making the decisions, things would be less unaccountable. At a 20 percent approval rating, Cheney just would not be allowed to do what he is doing.

IMHO, the journalists are really asleep at the wheel on who is actually the person in power in the White House. They are focusing on the wrong person for answers and need to ask tough questions to the head honcho. Cheney is to the White House as Michael Eisner, ex-CEO and chairman of the board is to Disney Corp. Cheney is the CEO and COO of the entire White House Administration.


SP Biloxi said...

You mave have known sometime ago that the Gerbil is a sock poppet but the 51% who vote the Gerbil back in office were either asleep at the wheel or simply in denial.. But action speaks louder than words. And the American people are now seeing the Gerbil for who he is.. And the journalists know that the Gerbil is a sock puppet. but, many of of them need to step up to the plate...

SP Biloxi said...


I read you comments.

About Gore: Yes, he was a bit of a stiff during his debate wit hthe Gerbil and the 2000 Presidential election. He got sucked in to the Gerbil's antics.. And the Gerbil knew his weak spots. I agree that Gore is much stronger and wiser person now. Maybe it took for him to lose the election for him to get tougher...

Clinton: Yes, he is smart and has charisma..

All leaders should have charisma and including honesty and integrity..

Yes, I do hope that there is a Democrat or Independent candidate that has charisma. Obama does have charisma.. And I for one am tired of the candidates that gives the politican used car salesman sales pitch... I think we all had enough of that..

Finally, about Kerry: Kerry should have been really strong when the Gerbil attacked him in his medals.. I was certainly disappointed in him...Hoever, he did make the Gerbil looked like a moron in the debates... Again, he too have to work on charisma...

And I did hear about Carter calling Blair a lapdog...Way to go Carter...