Sunday, August 27, 2006

U.S. v. George W. Bush?

Not too far fetched...

Bush and Saddam Should Both Stand Trial, Says Nuremberg Prosecutor
By Aaron Glantz
Friday 25 August 2006

San Francisco - A chief prosecutor of Nazi war crimes at Nuremberg has said George W. Bush should be tried for war crimes along with Saddam Hussein. Benjamin Ferenccz, who secured convictions for 22 Nazi officers for their work in orchestrating the death squads that killed more than 1 million people, told OneWorld both Bush and Saddam should be tried for starting "aggressive" wars-Saddam for his 1990 attack on Kuwait and Bush for his 2003 invasion of Iraq.

"Nuremberg declared that aggressive war is the supreme international crime," the 87-year-old Ferenccz told OneWorld from his home in New York. He said the United Nations charter, which was written after the carnage of World War II, contains a provision that no nation can use armed force without the permission of the UN Security Council.
Ferenccz said that after Nuremberg the international community realized that every war results in violations by both sides, meaning the primary objective should be preventing any war from occurring in the first place.
He said the atrocities of the Iraq war-from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and the massacre of dozens of civilians by U.S. forces in Haditha to the high number of civilian casualties caused by insurgent car bombs-were highly predictable at the start of the war.


airJackie said...

Ditto E
Bush as committed so many crimes here in the US and around the world. I wrote the US before the invasion and I told them if they allowed Bush to break the international law based on lies/ a thought others will follow. Let's see Israel/Lebanon with the support of invasion by yes Bush. Saddam on trial for acts he did as a leader of Iraq yet if we look back in American history those same crimes and worse we done yet no country invaded the US and put a President on trial. Who has a right to invaded a country on a thought and take over the country and make the people accept democracy when the US is still working that problem out. Bush didn't know the culture or even where Iraq was yet he invaded the country.

SP Biloxi said...

If the Gerbil can hold Saddam accountable for his crimes. so can the U.S.