Saturday, March 03, 2012

The Worst Collector in the World?

PEORIA, Ill. (CN) - A woman claims an abusive bill collector told her that her ex-husband would not be allowed to return from military service in Afghanistan unless she caught up on her student loans.
Tiffany Norris says in her federal complaint that a bill collector from defendant Afni Inc. made the threat during a telephone conversation in July 2011.
Her ex-husband co-signed the federal student loan with Sallie Mae.
"Defendant's representation, as delineated above, that her ex-husband would not be able to return to the United States after his deployment if plaintiff did not pay the debt she allegedly owed was false, deceptive and/or misleading given that plaintiff's payment of the debt she allegedly owed had no impact on whether her ex-husband would be permitted to the United States after his deployment with the United States Military," the complaint states.

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