The CFPB is accepting mortgage complaints from consumers who have experienced difficulties in the housing market, including problems related to mortgage documents, mortgage servicers, and foreclosure.
As most people know, problems in the mortgage industry were a major cause of the 2008 financial crisis. As the nation’s consumer watchdog, the CFPB is here to make sure those in the mortgage industry are following Federal consumer financial laws.
To submit complaints, inquires, feedback, or just plain tell the CFPB about an experience they had with mortgages, consumers can:
- Call our toll-free phone number at 1-855-411-CFPB (2372)
- Visit us online
- Fax us at 1-855-237-2392
- Mail a letter to P.O. Box 4503, Iowa City, IA 52244
When we receive a consumer complaint, we review the complaint for completeness, jurisdiction, and duplication. We forward the complaint to the relevant financial institution for review and resolution. The institution has 15 days to provide a response to the CFPB. Institutions are expected to resolve and close all but the most complicated complaints within 60 days.
Throughout this process, consumers can log in to CFPB’s website to check the status of their complaints. If they are not satisfied with how their complaint was resolved, they can dispute the resolution.
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