Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NY AG expects 'meaningful relief' from investigations of mortgage industry

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said he expects to obtain "real meaningful relief" from his investigation of the nation's largest banks and mortgage servicers. Schneiderman, who said he wouldn't be surprised to see more investigations, was a guest Tuesday night on the "Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC.


"This was a manmade crisis," Schneiderman said, referencing the housing crash. "It was created by regulatory neglect and greed, and I assure you, without telling you anything about the secrets of our investigation, we haven't found a trace of evidence that a cop, firefighter, teacher or sanitation worker contributed to blowing up the American economy."

Schneiderman said he thought New York needed to "dig in a little deeper" into what caused the bubble and the crash in the housing market.

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