Monday, October 31, 2011

A complaint submitted to the Federal Reserve Board and the results?

Foreclosure Hamlet website:

Here is the answer to the first complaint that I submitted to the Federal Reserve Board and responses follow To: xxxxxx

Sent: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 2:54 pm
Subject: Federal Reserve Consumer Help Center Acknowledgement

<><> <><> <><> <><> <><> <><> <><>

December 18, 2009

Dear Ms. x

This e-mail is to acknowledge our receipt of your correspondence on December 12, 2009, which we also recevied from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on December 11, 2009.

The entity you are inquiring about is regulated by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and we have forwarded your correspondence to that Reserve Bank to investigate and respond to you directly. You should receive a response from the Reserve Bank handling your complaint within 60 days. Please contact Muriel Payne at (212) 720-2190
if you have questions about the status of the investigation of your complaint. More information on the Federal Reserve’s consumer complaint process is located on our website at:

The following are other links you may find helpful.

Federal Reserve Consumer Help
How to File a Consumer Complaint Brochure
Consumer Complaint Form


Federal Reserve Consumer Help Center | 1-888-851-1920 (Phone) | 1-877-766-8533 (TTY) | 1-877-888-2520 (Fax)

On Jan. 26
Ms. X

As the intake center for incoming consumer complaints and inquiries, we are unable to provide the status of your complaint. However, we have forwarded your e-mail to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for a response. You may also contact Muriel Payne at (212) 720-2190.


Federal Reserve Consumer Help

Ms. X, Feb 5th

This is to inform you that your complaint file is still under review by the Reserve Bank. We will advise you of our findings once the investigation is completed.
You may contact me at the number below with any questions.

Muriel R. Payne
Bank Examiner
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Legal and Compliance Risk Department
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045
FAX: 212-720-2845

Ms. X, Feb 19 th
We have received the bank response and your file is under review. We anticipate a response to you by next week.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Muriel R. Payne
Bank Examiner
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Legal and Compliance Risk Department
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045
FAX: 212-720-2845

<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>

02/19/2010 10:10 AM

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Fwd: Complaint against The Bank of NY Mellon

<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>

this was the Question.......

Writing to check on the status of complaint as it has been over 60 days since the filing of the complaint.The

response is above.

Next email from FRB...

I will be out of the office starting 02/19/2010 and will not return until

You may contact June Binns with any questions or concerns.

Next email from me.....

Good Afternoon, Mr. Payne

Has the BNYM responded yet as this investigation seems to be at a stand still. It was my understanding that the FRB had 60 days to respond and the complaint was against the BNYM, not EMC the servicer because EMC is not saying they own it. According to the FDIC the BNYM said they own the mortgage and the FDIC would not satisfy my mortgage, which is incorrect because I have the note.
I hope you have addressed these issues with the BNYM because according to the prospectus in which the note was placed in was a FRAUD to the investors and I have been very patient. Their is serious jeopardy of the collapse of certificates and alot of unhappy investors.. Please communicate to BNYM the seriousness of this complaint...awaiting a timely response.

Ms. X

-----Original Message-----
To: .com
Sent: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:19 pm
Subject: Re: Complaint against The Bank of NY Mellon

Next message from the FRB...

-----Original Message-----
To: com
Sent: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:19 pm
Subject: Re: Complaint against The Bank of NY Mellon

Good Afternoon, Ms. X:

I recently contacted The BNYM re your complaint. They'd informed us that your complaint had been forwarded to the servicer, EMC, and that we may anticipate a response from EMC. We have not received any information. I will continue to communicate with The BNYM until we receive the information.
Thank you for your patience.

Next message from me...

Good Afternoon, Mr. Payne

Has the BNYM responded yet as this investigation seems to be at a stand still. It was my understanding that the FRB had 60 days to respond and the complaint was against the BNYM, not EMC the servicer because EMC is not saying they own it. According to the FDIC the BNYM said they own the mortgage and the FDIC would not satisfy my mortgage, which is incorrect because I have the note.
I hope you have addressed these issues with the BNYM because according to the prospectus in which the note was placed in was a FRAUD to the investors and I have been very patient. Their is serious jeopardy of the collapse of certificates and alot of unhappy investors.. Please communicate to BNYM the seriousness of this complaint...awaiting a timely response.

Ms. X

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 4:19 pm
Subject: Re: Complaint against The Bank of NY Mellon

Next message from FRB

Good Afternoon, Ms. =X:
You are correct, EMC does not own the loan, but it is our understanding that the servicer, EMC, makes the day-to-day decisions in connection with the loans. Inasmuch as they are not under our jurisdiction, I'm still attempting to get information regarding your case. Please know that I will continue to contact them to respond to you.
I apologize for not keeping you informed, but there wasn't any new information to 'report'. Nevertheless, going forward, I will keep you apprised of our efforts.
Thank you for your patience.

Muriel R. Payne
Bank Examiner
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Legal and Compliance Risk Department
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045
FAX: 212-720-2845

That email message was sent to me on March 17th here is the next email from the FRB....

I will be out of the office starting 03/17/2010 and will not return until

You may contact June Binns with any questions or concerns.

Funny when the questions get tough the tough get going.... HUH?

the next email I sent to the FRB and I'm waiting on a response...

Good Afternoon, Muriel Payne

Please review my original complaint, sent to you by the FDIC because I think you have got diverted by the deception that exist between all parties. I complied with the FDIC as to the requirements for a lien release. I own this loan, meaning it is fully paid and satisfied as you very well seen per the original documents I sent to you and the FDIC; which clearly shows that I'am the owner and holder of the note. The said complaint needs to come to an end and the lien satisfied. Inasmuch as EMC is not under your Jurisdiction the BNYM is and they have shown no proof, which is what my complaint states. Return the jurisdiction back to the FDIC with the statement that the loan needs to satified because the BNYM DOES NOT OWN THE LOAN....

Please give a timely response, Best Reguards


-----Original Message-----
To: .com
Sent: Wed, Mar 17, 2010 12:17 pm
Subject: Re: Complaint against The Bank of NY Mellon
Any Comments are welcomed as well as any questions....

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