Thursday, October 20, 2011

BoA robo-digital sigs (clicked WRONG name on drop down box) & robo-notary. FRAUD to the Nth Degree!

Bank of America FRAUD!

ReconTrust FRAUD!

Washington State Fraud (but could, and almost assuredly has, occurred anywhere in the corrupted U.S.A.)

Please note signor’s sig and then name of who was supposed to “digitally-sign”. One name “digitally signed” the documents over a totally different name of whose signatures was supposed to be digitally applied to the document.

Oh, and then, in a total exit from reality, a digital notary swears that the wrong digital signor was present.

MORE HERE ON Tanner Deaton robo-digitally applied signatures & notarizations! The Art & Science of Robosigning in the Post Scandal Era (New & Improved Document Fabrication)

Examples of the “mistakes” below…

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