Saturday, September 10, 2011

Let's play "Find The Fraud"! Open thread

What's wrong with this mortgage assignment? HINT: MERS assigns to Wells Fargo.
Same day (July 1, 2011), same person, same notary assigns from Wells Fargo to Fannie Mae! So Jasmine works for Franklin American Mort Corp. in Flint, MI and assigns the mortgage as an Asst. Sec'y for MERS to Wells Fargo in Des Moines, IA and she had the assignment notarized in Dakota County, Minnesota...Then, on the same day, she also works for Wells Fargo in Des Moines, IA and assigns the mortgage to Fannie Mae in Philadelphia, PA and has it notarized again in Dakota County, Minnesota?

Wells Fargo Fraudulent Assignment of Mortgage

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