Monday, September 05, 2011

BofA finally waives fees it charged Florida elderly couple

Last week, Bank of America apologized for mistakenly foreclosing on an elderly couple because they had made a mortgage payment too early. But that apology didn’t include reimbursing the couple for $1,800 in legal fees or waiving late fees caused by the bank’s blunder.

After supporters of James and Sharon Bullington cried foul, the country’s biggest lender decided Thursday to reimburse the legal fees and waive all late fees connected to its error.

Sharon Bullington was elated after hearing the news and thanked supporters for standing behind her and her husband.

“Oh, my goodness. I appreciate it so much,” she said. “You have no idea what this means for us. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.”

Shawn Yesner, the Bullingtons’ attorney, said the bank even provided a prepaid envelope to mail the paperwork. He is glad the bank finally decided to reimburse the fees.

“Regardless of how we got there, we got the best results for them,” he said.

The New Port Richey couple accepted a mortgage modification this week after the case gained national attention following an Aug. 20 story in the St. Petersburg Times.

The story detailed how Sharon Bullington, 70, cares for her 78-year-old, terminally ill husband in their 1,591-square-foot home, which is now valued at $133,464, though they owe about $177,000.

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