Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Robosigner Linda Green of DOCX signed off on Lynn Szymoniak’s (60 Minutes) satisfaction of mortgage

Lynn Szymoniak,Florida attorney, explained to reporter Scott Pelley on how she was a victim of robo-signing and bogus assignment of mortgage of her home. From 60 minutes on April 3, 2011:
Szymoniak's mortgage had been bundled with thousands of others into one of those Wall Street securities traded from investor to investor. When the bank took her to court, it first said it had lost her documents, including the critical assignment of mortgage which transfers ownership. But then, there was a courthouse surprise.

"They found all of your paperwork more than a year after they initially said that they had lost it?" Pelley asked.

"Yes," she replied.

Asked if that seemed suspicious to her, Szymoniak said, "Yes, absolutely. What do you imagine? It fell behind the file cabinet? Where was all of this? 'We had it, we own it, we lost it.' And then more recently, everyone is coming in saying, 'Hey we found it. Isn't that wonderful?'"

But what the bank may not have known is that Szymoniak is a lawyer and fraud investigator with a specialty in forged documents. She has trained FBI agents.

She told Pelley she asked for copies of those documents.

Asked what she found, Szymoniak told Pelley, "When I looked at the assignment of my mortgage, and this is the assignment: it looked that even the date they put in, which was 10/17/08, was several months after they sued me for foreclosure. So, what they were saying to the court was, 'We sued her in July of 2008 and we acquired this mortgage in October of 2008.' It made absolutely no sense."

Lynn Satisfaction Linda Green

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