Monday, April 18, 2011

The Psychometer: Who's Gone Too Far This Week?

1. Fox News: After Jenna Lyons, Creative Director for J.Crew, was pictured on the clothing company's website painting her son's toenails, Fox News went predictably berserk like a normal news organization. One "expert" in their stable of outraged talking heads claimed that the feature was "blatant propaganda celebrating transgendered children."

2. Rick Santorum: Announced his candidacy for President this week, saying that he will be like a "tortoise" in the race, alluding either to the fable about a steady slowpoke diligently surging ahead, or to his comments from a few years ago how gay marriage is tantamount to people marrying turtles. His original campaign slogan was "Fighting To Make America America," until he distanced himself from the phrase after he discovered that it was coined by Langston Hughes in a pro-union poem.

3. Birther and artist Lucas Daniel Smith: Recently sold a terrible oil painting of notably litigious birther Orly Taitz in the buff. Birthers have set a new standard for crazy, but Smith has topped it, both for the painting and for detailing what sounds like birther slash fiction in an affidavit. An excerpt: "[Taitz] then called me into the bathroom. I entered and started telling her that I was a married man and that I was only interested in hearing more about Barack Hussein Obama's birthplace in Kenya."

4. Keith Olbermann: Proving that even without a nightly MSNBC show he can still make overly verbose yet thoughtless and mean-spirited comments, Keith Olbermann recently said via Twitter of conservative commentator S.E. Cupp: "On so many levels she's a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does". Although he apparently meant that her parents could have used Planned Parenthood's multitude of other services besides abortion, implying that a colleague should never have been born is pretty low.

5: Rush Limbaugh: Fun fact: Did you know that if you are an Obama supporter of any stripe, you are a "savage" and may also be "walking human debris," according to talk radio host Rush Limbaugh?

6.  "Dilbert" creator Scott Adams: Hid his misogynistic views from the public until he posted a women-hating rant on his blog (who'd have thought that the man behind Dogbert probably hates Title IX?). But it turns out that Adams may have the self-awareness of the Pointy-Haired Boss after all -- he recently went on a Metafilter board to anonymously stage a passionate defense of Scott Adams.

7. Kobe Bryant: Although Kobe Bryant has since apologized and the NBA has thoroughly addressed the fallout by fining Bryant and partnering with GLAAD, the controversial Lakers star didn't endear himself to his detractors after calling a referee a "f***ing f*****t" on the court.

8. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): Ccalled Planned Parenthood the "Lenscrafters of big abortion." Then, she said that God asked her to vote against gay marriage. Also, she told a crowd that Obamacare only passed because Sen. Al Franken "stole" his election. A classy week for Ms. Bachmann

9. Sen. Jon Kyl: We can't remember the last time an elected leader embarrassed himself more thoroughly than Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) did recently when he said that "well over 90%" of Planned Parenthood's funding goes to abortion. (It's actually 3%.) His office then clarified that his assertion was "not intended to be a factual statement," but meant to "illustrate" that the organization does receive funds, which is why all senators take an "artistic license" oath when being sworn into office.

Open thread!

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