Wednesday, February 09, 2011

SEC is Taking a Hard Look At Bad Mortgage Practices

From the Financial Times:

US securities regulators investigating the role of banks in the mortgage crisis are homing in on the question of whether investors were misled about the home loans used to back securities…

Kenneth Lench, chief of the SEC’s structured products unit, said at a conference in Washington on Friday that issues of interest to the commission include whether investors were properly informed about underwriting and foreclosure practices and the quality of mortgages used to back securities…

Mr Lench highlighted areas that could be of concern: “Were representations relating to the transfer or documentation of mortgages into the loan pools accurate? Did activities such as ‘robo-signing’ contradict those representations? Were disclosures to investors regarding the quality of the loans in the pools accurate?”…

Mr Lench said his unit was working with “legacy” cases from the financial crisis as well as new ones stemming from the “rippling effect of the unfolding crisis”.

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