Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Phila. homeowner wins judgment against Wells Fargo over mortgage fees

It’s not clear how this story will turn out, but right now Patrick Rodgers is living a pay-back fantasy probably shared by millions of struggling U.S. homeowners.

Frustrated by a dispute with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and by his inability to get answers to questions, the West Philadelphia homeowner took the mortgage company to court last fall.

When Wells Fargo still didn’t respond, Rodgers got a $1,000 default judgment against it for failing to answer his formal questions, as required by a federal law called the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.

And when the mortgage company didn’t pay – does something sound familiar? – Rodgers turned to Philadelphia’s sheriff.

The result: At least for the moment, the contents of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, 1341 N. Delaware Ave., are scheduled for sheriff’s sale on March 4 to satisfy the judgment and pay about $200 for court and sheriff’s costs.

Rodgers has even written his own headline: “Philadelphia homeowner ‘forecloses’ on Wells Fargo.”

Read more of this awesome story here…


KittyBowTie1 said...

That is similar to what Wells Fargo tried to do to Mama. Her mortgage is in her middle name but the homeowner's insurance was in her first name. The checks she uses includes her first name, middle name, and last name. Wells Fargo tried to claim she did not have any insurance at all and charged her their homeowner's insurance. It took her six months of screaming for them to fix it.

SP Biloxi said...

Interesting story. It is important that Mama keeps every paperwork from Wells. The banksters are nickeling diming the homeowners. Things are coming down from Wells as well as the other banks. I will be posting an article for Thursday in which OCC will be fining banks including Wells. Stay tuned.