Saturday, February 05, 2011

Chris Christie Heads To Chicago, Wants To Lure Illinois Businesses To New Jersey

Weeks after launching an advertising campaign that encourages businesses in Illinois to relocate to New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie is heading to Chicago with the same message.

The Newark Star-Ledger reports that Christie plans to meet with local business leaders about the "current economic climate" in the state, and possibly convince them to take their businesses east.

"Both New Jersey and Illinois are providing business leaders with certainty," Christie said, according to the Star-Ledger. "In New Jersey you can be certain taxes are going down over the next three years, and in Illinois you can be certain they are going up."

When Illinois Governor Pat Quinn heard about Christie's efforts in January, he laughed them off.

"I don't know why anybody would listen to him," Quinn said. "New Jersey's way of balancing the budget is not to pay their pension payment, not to deliver on property tax relief that was promised, to fire teachers, to take an infrastructure project -- building a tunnel that had already been started -- and end it and have to pay money back to the federal government. I don't need that kind of advice from that guy."

Christie's spokesman insisted that his Chicago trip was not "grandstanding" or a "media event," but some Illinois business leaders are skeptical of his motives. Rich Miller of the Capitol Fax blog pointed out Friday that Illinoisans see "right through the act."

Read on.

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Quinn and Cullerton do not have much room to talk, but, I have two words to say to Christie: Jersey Shore.