Friday, February 18, 2011

Biloxi Buzz for Friday

Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, or MERS, told its members Wednesday not to foreclose on residential mortgages in its name. The electronic registry of mortgage records built by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the nation’s major lenders more than a decade ago...

Baghdad: U.S. Owes $1 Billion For Turning City Into 'Camp'

Out of Control in the House  —  Are there any adults in charge of the House?  Watching this week's frenzied slash-and-burn budget contest, we had to conclude the answer to that is no.  —  First Speaker John Boehner's Republican leadership proposed cutting the rest of the 2011 budget by $32 billion.
Republicans adjourn state Senate until Friday  —  Democrats said to be at Rockford, Ill., resort  —  By Jason Stein, Patrick Marley and Steve Schultze of the Journal Sentinel  —  Madison — Amid the third straight day of chaotic but largely peaceful protests at the Capitol …

Obamas Heading To England

House Republicans Block Unemployment Amendment

Darrell Issa's Agenda: Condoms, Yoga & Pot

Joe The Plumber Gets A Teevee Show

Republican Amendment Would Strip Funds For Obama 'Czars,' Plus Elizabeth Warren

Powell Chief Of Staff: We Were 'Manipulated' Into Making Case For Iraq War

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