Friday, February 11, 2011

Biloxi Buzz for Friday

Big banks are considering filing lawsuits against the new deposit insurance fund requirements from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Under the new rule, larger financial institutions are required to pay more into the fund, which is used to insure all...

Mubarak Refuses to Step Down, Stoking Revolt's Fury and Resolve  —  CAIRO — President Hosni Mubarak told the Egyptian people on Thursday that he would delegate authority to Vice President Omar Suleiman but that he would not resign, enraging hundreds of thousands gathered to hail his departure …

Whitman Lost, But Payday Was Sweet

Ethics Watchdog Targets Congressional Sleepovers

Private Contractors Plan To Protect Bank Of America From WikiLeaks

Ruth Madoff Turned Away From Son's Funeral

Madoff 'Surrogate Father' Moved Billions in Account, SIPC Says

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