Thursday, July 08, 2010

Vitter Claims Disgraced Staffer Didn't Work on Women's Issues; Records Say Otherwise

Brent Furer pled guilty in 2008 to attacking his girlfriend with a knife, but was nonetheless retained in Vitter's DC legislative office in the role of legislative assistant for women's issues until the details of Furer's crime were publicized in late June. He subsequently resigned. In Louisiana today, Vitter categorically denied that Furer worked on women's issues in any way. But numerous records and published accounts prove otherwise.
Several DC-based information services publish detailed listings of staff assignments and contact information for Capitol Hill offices. And multiple directories, both online and in hard copy, name Furer as Vitter's legislative assistant on women's issues.
Below is a copy of the print edition of the Capitol Advantage Guidebook directory of Women's Issues legislative assistants for the 111th Congress (which is to say, after the knife attack in 2008), and passed my way by a source.

Read on.

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