Sunday, July 11, 2010

SPB News for Sunday

Governors Of Struggling States Ask Washington For Help

Obama: Government Help Veterans With PTSD Receive Benefits
In this weekend's YouTube address, President Obama announced that the government would be making it easier for veterans to apply for benefits involving post-traumatic stress disorder.

"Well, I don't think our troops on the battlefield should have to take notes to keep for a claims application.

And I've met enough veterans to know that you don't have to engage in a firefight to endure the trauma of war. So we're changing the way things are done," said Obama. "On Monday, the Department of Veterans Affairs, led by Secretary Eric Shinseki, will begin making it easier for a veteran with PTSD to get the benefits he or she needs. This is a long-overdue step that will help veterans not just of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, but generations of their brave predecessors who proudly served and sacrificed in all our wars. It's a step that proves America will always be here for our veterans, just as they've been there for us. We won't let them down. We take care of our own. And as long as I'm Commander-in-Chief, that's what we're going to keep doing. Thank you."

Arpaio 'probed for abuse of power'

Murdoch to launch 'Arabic Fox News'

Last week's poll had asked:

The Times newspaper has begun charging readers to access its online content. Will charging for content save the newspaper industry? There was tie on answers: No and I don’t know. This week's poll is now up.

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